Adjective | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
actual; contemporary; current; currently; modern; nowadays; present; up to date
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; concurrent; concurrently; contemporary; modern; resembling; simultaneous; simultaneously; synchronic; synchronous; too
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ab jetzt
as from now; from; of today; out
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
currently; nowadays; of that time; present; then
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
advanced; forward; hi-tech; latest; modern; progressive; sophisticated; the latest; very newest
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
agile; agitated; airy; aroused; blooming; bright; busily engaged; busy; chaste; cheerful; chilli; chilly; coldly; colored; colorful; coloured; colourful; cool; coolly; engaged; excited; florid; flourishing; flowered; fluttered; fresh; freshly-baked; healthy; heated; high-coloured; immaculate; impeccable; little fresh; new; occupied; prospering; spotless; tied up; unbroached; unopened; unspoiled; untainted; untouched; unused
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
current; currently; modern; nowadays; present; up to date
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; current; currently; modern; nowadays; present; up to date
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; modern
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; modern; modernistic
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
fresh; new; recent; recently; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; modern
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
fresh; new; unbroached; unopened; untouched; unused
characteristic of its time; contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; current; modern; up to date
characteristic of its time; contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
contemporary; current; modern; up to date
contemporary; modern; new; nowadays; of today; present; present-day
here; present; present!