
Detailübersetzungen für rashness (Englisch) ins Spanisch


rashness [the ~] Nomen

  1. the rashness (thougtlessness; inconsiderateness)
    la tontería; la estupidez; la imprudencia; la necedad; la tontada; la majadería
  2. the rashness
    la ligereza; la superficialidad; la irreflexión
  3. the rashness (prematureness)
    la precipitación; la prematuridad
  4. the rashness (recklessness; reckless dead)
    la temeridad

Übersetzung Matrix für rashness:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
estupidez inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness absurdity; backwardness; blooper; blunder; deaf-muteness; dullness; enormity; feebleness; folly; foolishness; frailty; idiocy; inanity; incongruity; lunacy; madness; mental illness; naïvete; paradox; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish; silliness; slackness; stupidity; trivial; vapidity; weakness
imprudencia inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness cheerfulness; daredevilry; flightiness; foolhardiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; recklessness; shallowness; superficiality; unchastity; volatility
irreflexión rashness being absent-minded
ligereza rashness airiness; briskness; lightness; quickness; rapidity; tempo
majadería inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness beefing; bleating; caper; dullness; silly joke; stupidity; vapidity
necedad inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness absurdity; incongruity; paradox; silly joke
precipitación prematureness; rashness accelerating; hastening; hastiness; hurry; hurrying; overhaste; precipitation; speeding up
prematuridad prematureness; rashness
superficialidad rashness cheerfulness; flightiness; frivolity; frivolousness; lightheartedness; shallowness; superficiality; volatility
temeridad rashness; reckless dead; recklessness daredevilry; feat; foolhardiness; heroic deed; recklessness
tontada inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness foolishness; madness
tontería inconsiderateness; rashness; thougtlessness a piece of cake; backwardness; bagatelle; banter; child's play; dullness; folly; foolishness; frenzy; fury; futility; idiocy; jerkin; madness; mental illness; nonsense; preposterousness; rage; retardation; rubbish; sheepishness; silliness; silly joke; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; staggers; stupidity; tattle; trifle; vapidity
- foolhardiness; heedlessness; mindlessness; recklessness

Verwandte Wörter für "rashness":

Synonyms for "rashness":

Verwandte Definitionen für "rashness":

  1. the trait of giving little thought to danger1
  2. the trait of acting rashly and without prudence1


rash Adjektiv

  1. rash (unthinkingly)
  2. rash (premature; hasty)
  3. rash (thoughtless; unthinking)
  4. rash (thoughtless; heedless; careless)
  5. rash (thoughtless; inconsiderate; reckless; overconfident)
  6. rash (audacious; presumptuous; overconfident; )
    audaz; osado; temerario; atrevido; muy atrevido
  7. rash (unthinking; thoughtless)
  8. rash (light-headed; reckless; foolhardy)
  9. rash (scatterbrained)

rash [the ~] Nomen

  1. the rash (eczema; skin allergy)
    el eccema; el eczema; la irritación cutánea; la eflorescencia
  2. the rash (prurigo; barber's itch)
    el sarpullido; el prurigo; la irritación cutánea; la sarna de barba; la erupción cutánea
  3. the rash (barber's itch; prurigo; tinea barbae)
    la sarna de barba

Übersetzung Matrix für rash:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
atrevido boast; boasting; bold; brag; bragging; bravado; brazen hussy; daredevil; swank; tall talk
desierto desert; wasteland; wilderness
eccema eczema; rash; skin allergy
eczema eczema; rash; skin allergy
eflorescencia eczema; rash; skin allergy
erupción cutánea barber's itch; prurigo; rash skin eruption
irritación cutánea barber's itch; eczema; prurigo; rash; skin allergy skin eruption
prurigo barber's itch; prurigo; rash
sarna de barba barber's itch; prurigo; rash; tinea barbae
sarpullido barber's itch; prurigo; rash
temerario double; stunt man
- blizzard; efflorescence; roseola; skin rash
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- foolhardy; heady; reckless
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- hasty; over-hastly; overbold; unreflecting
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
a la ligera hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking careless; cursory; imprudent; inconsiderate; perfunctory; reckless; superficial; without thinking
apresurado hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless agitated; fluttered; fucked up; hastily; hasty; hunted; hurried; hurriedly; in a haste; in a hurry; in haste; inconsiderate; nervous; thoughtless; worked up; wrought up
atrevido audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless audacious; bold; brave; courageous; daredevil; daring; dauntless; fearless; foolhardy; frivolous; heroic; heroical; ill-mannered; impertinent; intrepid; light; reckless; sanguine; undaunted; valiant; without fear
audaz audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious ambitious; aspiring; audacious; bold; dauntless; fearless; floating high; flying high; high-flying; intrepid; pushy; soaring; undaunted; without fear
casquivano inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light-hearted; shallow
con precipitación hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless
con prisa excesiva hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless
desconsiderado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless bold; impolite; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; indelicate; indiscrete; out of place; rude; tactless; uncalled for; uncivil; unfriendly; unkind; unpleasant; unscrupulous; unseemly; unsuitable
desenfrenado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless lawless; liscencious; loose; obscene; uncurbed; undisciplined; unfettered; ungovernable; uninhibited; unmanageable; unrestrained; unruly; vulgar; without discipline
desierto inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless deserted; desolate; embittered; exasperated; extinct; fierce; forlorn; isolated; lonely; lonesome; quarantined; secluded; sequestered; solitary
feroz inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless abominable; angry; barbaric; brutal; cruel; embittered; enraged; exasperated; fierce; grim; gruesome; heinous; homicidal; inhuman; inhumane; irate; livid; murderous; seething; sullen; suppressed
frívolo foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless casual; cursory; flighty; flippant; frivolous; gay; light; light-hearted; perfunctory; playful; shallow; superficial
impremeditado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking
imprudente foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; rash; reckless; scatterbrained; thoughtless careless; dumb; foolish; imprudent; inconsiderate; mindless; not sensible; reckless; senseless; stupid; without thinking
inconsciente careless; hasty; heedless; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless absent; careless; ignorant; imprudent; inconsiderate; irresponsible; not accountable for; out cold; reckless; senseless; subconscious; thoughtless; unconscious; unthinking; unwarranted; without thinking
inconsiderado foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless
insensato hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless dense; dull; dumb; foolish; inconsiderate; irrational; mindless; not sensible; obtuse; senseless; stupid; thoughtless; unwise
irracional rash; thoughtless; unthinking foolish; irrational; senseless; unwise
irrazonable rash; thoughtless; unthinking dense; dishonest; dull; foolish; groundless; irrational; mindless; obtuse; senseless; stupid; unfair; unjust; unreasonable; unwise; useless
irreflexivo careless; foolhardy; hasty; heedless; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; thoughtless; unthinking; unthinkingly careless; flighty; fribble; frivolous; frothy; imprudent; inconsiderate; irresponsible; not accountable for; reckless; thoughtless; unwarranted; without thinking
muy atrevido audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless daredevil; foolhardy; overexcited; presumptuous; reckless
osado audacious; daring; foolhardy; inconsiderate; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; temerarious; thoughtless bold; daredevil; daring; floating high; flying high; foolhardy; high-flying; reckless; soaring
poco delicado inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless immodest; inconsiderate; indelicate; indiscreet; tactless; thoughtless
poco diplomático inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless immodest; inconsiderate; indelicate; indiscreet; tactless; thoughtless
precipitadamente inconsiderate; overconfident; rash; reckless; thoughtless hastily; head over heels; headlong; hurriedly; in a hurry; in a rush; in haste
precipitado hasty; inconsiderate; overconfident; premature; rash; reckless; scatterbrained; thoughtless inconsiderate; premature; prematurely; thoughtless; untimely
prematuro hasty; premature; rash early; formerly; in bygone days; in former times; inconsiderate; premature; prematurely; thoughtless; timely; untimely
sin pensar rash; unthinkingly groundless; unfounded
temerario audacious; daring; foolhardy; light-headed; overconfident; presumptuous; rash; reckless; scatterbrained; temerarious careless; imprudent; inconsiderate; overexcited; presumptuous; reckless; without thinking

Verwandte Wörter für "rash":

Synonyms for "rash":

Verwandte Definitionen für "rash":

  1. marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences1
    • a rash attempt to climb Mount Everest1
  2. imprudently incurring risk1
    • do something rash that he will forever repent1
  3. a series of unexpected and unpleasant occurrences1
    • a rash of bank robberies1
  4. any red eruption of the skin1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für rash:

  1. hasty
  1. of skin
  2. surge in problems

Cross Translation:
rash erupción cutánea AusschlagMedizin: Symptom einer Hauterkrankung
rash erupción cutánea; dermatitis simple eruptie — plotselinge huiduitslag
rash irritación; sarpullido irritation — Inflammation douloureuse
rash descuidado étourdi — Qui agit sans réflexion.

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