
Detailübersetzungen für foundations (Englisch) ins Französisch


foundations [the ~] Nomen

  1. the foundations
    la fondations
  2. the foundations
    le piliers
  3. the foundations
    la bases; le sous-sols; le fondements

Übersetzung Matrix für foundations:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
bases foundations basic assumptions; causes; motives; points of departure; principles; reasons; starting points
fondations foundations
fondements foundations
piliers foundations columns; pillars
sous-sols foundations basements

Verwandte Wörter für "foundations":

foundations form of foundation:

foundation [the ~] Nomen

  1. the foundation (founding; establishment; installation)
    la fondation; l'institution; l'installation; l'édification; l'instauration
  2. the foundation (base)
    la fondation; la base
  3. the foundation (pension fund; trust)
    le fonds; la caisse de retraite; la fondation; l'institution
  4. the foundation
    le fondement; la base
  5. the foundation
    la fondation
  6. the foundation (undercoat; first layer; priming coat)
  7. the foundation (frame-work; chassis; carcass; structure; shell)
    le châssis; le squelette; le cadre; la carcasse; la charpente; l'encadrement; le cadres; l'ossature

Übersetzung Matrix für foundation:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
base base; foundation basal area; base; basement; basic rule; basic shape; basic thought; basis; bogie; cellar; chassis; fundamental idea; home port; initial concept; landing gear; outline; principle; rule of life; shop floor; structure; substructure; topic; undercarriage; vault
cadre carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; carcass; cornice; crew; cutting edge; edge; employees; executive; female staff employee; female staff member; frame; frame aerial; frame work; framework; framing; letterbox; molding; moulding; mounting; officer; panel; personnel; picture frame; rim; shell; skeleton; staff member; work force
cadres carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure executive; executives; staff
caisse de retraite foundation; pension fund; trust
carcasse carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; bone structure; carcase; carcass; frame; framework; scrag; shell; skeleton; skeleton man
charpente carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure body; bone structure; carcass; carpentry; frame; framework; piece of carpentry; piece of woodwork; shell; skeleton; timberwork; woodwork; woodworking
châssis carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure beautiful person; body; body work; bogie; carcass; chassis; coach work; frame; framework; landing gear; piece; shell; skeleton; undercarriage; window cill; window-frame
couche d'apprêt first layer; foundation; priming coat; undercoat
encadrement carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure cornice; drip molding; drip moulding; frame; frame work; framework; framing; molding; moulding; mounting; panel; rim; weather board; weather molding; window frame; window-still
fondation base; establishment; foundation; founding; installation; pension fund; trust basement; cellar; establishment; founding; vault
fondement foundation basic rule; basic thought; basis; cause; fundamental idea; immediate cause; initial concept; motive; principle; reason; rule of life
fonds foundation; pension fund; trust capital; capital sum; finances; financial means; means
installation establishment; foundation; founding; installation administration of the oath; arrangement; assembly; attachment; composition; confirmation on oath; facility; fastening; fixing; furnishing; furniture; give employment to people; home furnishings; honouring; montage; putting into use; securing; settlement; setup; swearing; taking up residence
instauration establishment; foundation; founding; installation establishment; founding
institution establishment; foundation; founding; installation; pension fund; trust institution; service
l'ossature carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure
squelette carcass; chassis; foundation; frame-work; shell; structure bag of bones; body; bone structure; carcass; frame; framework; scrag; shell; skeleton; skeleton man
édification establishment; foundation; founding; installation building; composition; construction
- base; basis; cornerstone; creation; foot; foundation garment; founding; fundament; grounding; groundwork; initiation; innovation; instauration; institution; introduction; origination; substructure; understructure
Not SpecifiedVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
installation installation
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- base of foundation; construction; erection; establishment; institution; principles

Verwandte Wörter für "foundation":

Synonyms for "foundation":

Verwandte Definitionen für "foundation":

  1. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new1
    • the foundation of a new scientific society1
  2. lowest support of a structure1
  3. a woman's undergarment worn to give shape to the contours of the body1
  4. the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained1
  5. education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of knowledge1
    • he lacks the foundation necessary for advanced study1
  6. an institution supported by an endowment1
  7. the basis on which something is grounded1
    • there is little foundation for his objections1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für foundation:

  1. -
  2. cosmetic cream
  3. that upon which anything is founded
  1. Terrain considéré par rapport à son degré de fermeté, à sa qualité, à sa composition
  2. Produit cosmétique unifiant la couleur de l’épiderme, notamment du visage, en lui donnant souvent de légers reflets rouges.
  3. Action de fonder, de bâtir la base de quelque chose ; commencement de quelque chose de durable.
  4. (architecture) maçonnerie qui sert de base à un édifice ou à une construction, et qui se fait dans la terre jusqu’au rez-de-chaussée. — note Il s’emploie surtout au pluriel.

Cross Translation:
foundation fondation Begründung — das ins Leben rufen von etwas, Gründung
foundation fondation Gründung — Schaffen eines Anfangs
foundation don Stiftung — Bereitstellung von Geld oder Sachmitteln für einen erwünschten Zweck

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Verwandte Übersetzungen für foundations