
Detailübersetzungen für offending (Englisch) ins Französisch


offending Adjektiv

  1. offending (offensive; objectionable; indecent)
    offensant; outrageant; grossier; indécent; choquant; scandaleux; honteux; injurieux
  2. offending (humiliating; insulting)
    offensant; injurieux; infâme; vexant; déshonorant; outrageant
  3. offending (offensive; insulting; injurious)
    distinctement; mordant; aigu; fort; offensant; outrageant; fin; âpre; acerbe; vexant; corrosif; injurieux; avec perspicacité; bien affilé; avec netteté; avec virulence
  4. offending (slanderous; scandalous; injurious; insulting; backbiting)

offending [the ~] Nomen

  1. the offending (hurting someone's feelings; hurting)
    la blessure; l'atteinte; l'injure; la meurtrissure

Übersetzung Matrix für offending:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
atteinte hurting; hurting someone's feelings; offending affecting; being bruised; bruising; damaging; harming; hit; infraction; injuring; transgression; violation; wounding
blessure hurting; hurting someone's feelings; offending aching; affecting; being bruised; bruise; bruising; bump; damaging; harming; hurt; injuring; injury; lump; pain; sore; swelling; wound; wounding
fin cease; concluding observations; concluding piece; concluding remarks; conclusion; end; ending; far end; final; final end; final piece; finale; finish; finishing line; finishing point; in conclusion; knock off; quitting; stopping; termination; terminus; tip
fort castle; château; citadel; fort; fortification; fortified building; fortress; knight's castle; stronghold
injure hurting; hurting someone's feelings; offending invective; jeering; scoffing; term of abuse
meurtrissure hurting; hurting someone's feelings; offending affecting; being bruised; blotch; bruise; bruising; contusion; damaging; harming; injuring; lump; pimple; swelling; swollen spot; weal; welt; wounding; zit
mordant bitingness; bityness; sharpness
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
acerbe injurious; insulting; offending; offensive acrid; angry; bitter; blazing; brusque; catty; curt; cutting; derisive; dour; fiery; furious; glaring; indignant; nipping; querulous; razor-sharp; scornful; sharp; snappish; snappy; sneering; virulent
aigu injurious; insulting; offending; offensive acute; burdensome; cutting; dire; galling; grinding; heavy; intense; irksome; keen; massive; nipping; penetrating; piercing; pointed; rasping; sharp; sharp-edged; shrill; snappy; vehement; violent
avec netteté injurious; insulting; offending; offensive
avec perspicacité injurious; insulting; offending; offensive
avec virulence injurious; insulting; offending; offensive cutting; malicious; nipping; snappy; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic
bien affilé injurious; insulting; offending; offensive
calomnieusement backbiting; injurious; insulting; offending; scandalous; slanderous blasphemous; slanderous
calomnieux backbiting; injurious; insulting; offending; scandalous; slanderous blasphemous; slanderous
choquant indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive abrupt; all at once; all of a sudden; at once; blunt; brusque; distasteful; fast; improper; inappropriate; indelicat; nasty; nauseous; obnoxious; offensive; out of place; out of the blue; quick; rapid; rude; shocking; sick; sickly; speedy; sudden; suddenly; swift; tactless; uncalled for; unexpectedly; unpalatable; unsavory; unsavoury; unseemly; unsuitable
corrosif injurious; insulting; offending; offensive biting; corroding; corrosive
distinctement injurious; insulting; offending; offensive
déshonorant humiliating; insulting; offending appalling; dreadful; frightful; horribly; mean; pedestrian; terribly; vile
fin injurious; insulting; offending; offensive acute; astute; biting; bright; clever; cunning; cutting; dainty; delicate; easily hurt; elegant; fine; graceful; handsome; keen; lightly built; lovely; nice; nipping; oversensitive; perky; personable; petite; precarious; pretty; refined; resourceful; roguish; sensitive; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; slender; slick; slight; sly; small-boned; smart; snap; snappy; sophisticated; stylish; subtle; susceptible; tender; thin; wily
fort injurious; insulting; offending; offensive aloud; at the top of one's voice; blatant; boisterous; burly; clamorous; considerable; considerably; eccentric; energetic; enormous; exceptional; extraordinary; extremely; fatty; fierce; firm; forceful; formidable; full of energy; generously; greasy; greatly; heavy; hefty; highly; immense; intense; lively; loud; loudly; lustily; massive; mighty; muscular; noisy; obese; openly; out loud; particular; powerful; powerfully built; robust; severe; showy; sizable; solid; special; spiced; spicy; spirited; stable; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; tough; tremendous; ultra; vehement; vigorous; violent; well built; wondrous
grossier indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive abusive; amoral; arrogant; audacious; bad mannered; bald; banal; below the belt; boorish; churlish; coarse; commonplace; crass; crude; cunning; discourteous; disgraceful; gross; icy; ill-bred; ill-mannered; immoral; impertinent; impolite; improper; impudent; inappropriate; indecent; indelicat; indelicate; indiscrete; insolent; lack of moral; loutish; nasty; oafish; obscene; offensive; out of place; outrageous; overbearing; plump; presumptuous; racial; rotten; rude; rustic; sanguine; scandalous; seedy; shabby; shameful; shameless; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; surly; tactless; trite; trivial; uncalled for; uncivilised; uncivilized; uneducated; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; unseemly; unsuitable; vapid; vulgar
honteux indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive appalling; belittling; crying shame; crying to heaven; derisive; disgraceful; disparaging; humiliating; infamous; outrageous; rank; scandalous; scornful; shameful; shocking; sinful; sneering
indécent indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive amoral; bad mannered; bald; cunning; disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; icy; ignominious; immodest; immoral; impertinent; impolite; improper; inappropriate; inconsiderate; indecent; indelicat; indelicate; indiscreet; lack of moral; obscene; out of place; outrageous; rude; scandalous; shameful; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; tactless; thoughtless; uncalled for; unfeeling; unseemly; unsuitable
infâme humiliating; insulting; offending appalling; banal; below the belt; blackguardly; coarse; crying shame; crying to heaven; disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; gross; inglorious; mean; nasty; outrageous; pedestrian; rank; roguish; rotten; scoundrelly; shabby; sheet; shocking; sordid; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
injurieux humiliating; indecent; injurious; insulting; objectionable; offending; offensive derisive; obnoxious; offensive; scornful; sneering
mordant injurious; insulting; offending; offensive biting; bitty; corroding; corrosive; cutting; prickly; sarcastic; shrill; stinging; thorny
médisant backbiting; injurious; insulting; offending; scandalous; slanderous blasphemous; slanderous
offensant humiliating; indecent; injurious; insulting; objectionable; offending; offensive obnoxious; offensive
outrageant humiliating; indecent; injurious; insulting; objectionable; offending; offensive
scandaleux indecent; objectionable; offending; offensive appalling; crying shame; crying to heaven; disgraceful; disgusting; outrageous; rank; scandalous; shameful; shocking; sinful
vexant humiliating; injurious; insulting; offending; offensive
âpre injurious; insulting; offending; offensive bare; barren; biting; bitter; cutting; derisive; dour; embittered; exasperated; fierce; grim; piquant; scornful; sneering; sourly; spiced; spicy; sullen; suppressed

Verwandte Wörter für "offending":

Synonyms for "offending":

Antonyme für "offending":

  • unoffending

Verwandte Definitionen für "offending":

  1. offending against or breaking a law or rule1
    • contracts offending against the statute were canceled1

offending form of offend:

to offend Verb (offends, offended, offending)

  1. to offend (hurt; aggrieve; hurt someone's feelings)
    insulter; faire de la peine à; blesser; faire du mal; offenser; faire du tort à; faire mal; nuire à; choquer; froisser; navrer; faire tort à
    • insulter Verb (insulte, insultes, insultons, insultez, )
    • blesser Verb (blesse, blesses, blessons, blessez, )
    • offenser Verb (offense, offenses, offensons, offensez, )
    • faire mal Verb
    • nuire à Verb
    • choquer Verb (choque, choques, choquons, choquez, )
    • froisser Verb (froisse, froisses, froissons, froissez, )
    • navrer Verb (navre, navres, navrons, navrez, )
  2. to offend (do wrong; wreak evil; do wrongly)
  3. to offend (torture; torment; hurt; aggrieve)
    torturer; tourmenter; martyriser; faire tort à; blesser; tenailler
    • torturer Verb (torture, tortures, torturons, torturez, )
    • tourmenter Verb (tourmente, tourmentes, tourmentons, tourmentez, )
    • martyriser Verb (martyrise, martyrises, martyrisons, martyrisez, )
    • blesser Verb (blesse, blesses, blessons, blessez, )
    • tenailler Verb (tenaille, tenailles, tenaillons, tenaillez, )
  4. to offend (hurt; injure; maul; insult)
    blesser; abîmer; faire du mal; amocher; faire mal; froisser; faire de la peine à; faire du tort à; faire tort à
    • blesser Verb (blesse, blesses, blessons, blessez, )
    • abîmer Verb (abîme, abîmes, abîmons, abîmez, )
    • amocher Verb (amoche, amoches, amochons, amochez, )
    • faire mal Verb
    • froisser Verb (froisse, froisses, froissons, froissez, )
  5. to offend (sin; commit a sin)
    pécher; commettre un péché
    • pécher Verb (pèche, pèches, péchons, péchez, )
  6. to offend (put out; upset; ruffle)
    • mécontenter Verb (mécontente, mécontentes, mécontentons, mécontentez, )

Konjugationen für offend:

  1. offend
  2. offend
  3. offends
  4. offend
  5. offend
  6. offend
simple past
  1. offended
  2. offended
  3. offended
  4. offended
  5. offended
  6. offended
present perfect
  1. have offended
  2. have offended
  3. has offended
  4. have offended
  5. have offended
  6. have offended
past continuous
  1. was offending
  2. were offending
  3. was offending
  4. were offending
  5. were offending
  6. were offending
  1. shall offend
  2. will offend
  3. will offend
  4. shall offend
  5. will offend
  6. will offend
continuous present
  1. am offending
  2. are offending
  3. is offending
  4. are offending
  5. are offending
  6. are offending
  1. be offended
  2. be offended
  3. be offended
  4. be offended
  5. be offended
  6. be offended
  1. offend!
  2. let's offend!
  3. offended
  4. offending
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für offend:

VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abîmer hurt; injure; insult; maul; offend attack; be slovenly; beat up; botch up; break; break down; break into pieces; break up; damage; demolish; destroy; drag down; erode; get down; injure; knock about; mangle; maul; mess up; muck up; neglect; pull down; roam; smash; smash into pieces; spoil; take down; tear down; tear loose; wander; wreck
agir mal do wrong; do wrongly; offend; wreak evil
amocher hurt; injure; insult; maul; offend beat up; castigate; damage; drub; flog; hurt; injure; knock about; lash; maul; rack; roam; trounce; wander; whack; whip
blesser aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend; torment; torture ache; aggrieve; attack; beat up; bruise; cause damage; contuse; damage; defamate; do harm; erode; harm; hurt; hurt oneself; injure; injure oneself; knock about; maul; slander; spoil; wound; wound oneself
choquer aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; offend annoy; bang into; be annoying; bump into; bump up against; collide; crash; frighten; give offence; jolt; repulse; scandalise; scandalize; shake; shock; startle; tremble
commettre un péché commit a sin; offend; sin
faire de la peine à aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend hurt; injure
faire du mal aggrieve; do wrong; do wrongly; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend; wreak evil bring evil upon; cause pain; cause sorrow; hurt; inflict injury; injure
faire du mal à quelqu'un do wrong; do wrongly; offend; wreak evil aggrieve; assault someone; bruise; damage; harm; injure
faire du tort à aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend aggrieve; bruise; damage; harm; injure
faire mal aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend hurt; infringe; injure; misbehave; transgress
faire tort à aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend; torment; torture aggrieve; be disadvantuous; besmirch; blemish; cause damage; cause disadvantage; cause injury; cause someone sorrow; damage; discriminate; do harm; harm; harm somebody; hurt; injure; taint
froisser aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; injure; insult; maul; offend crumple; defamate; ripple; rumple; rumple up; rustle; slander; sough; wrinkle
insulter aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; offend abuse; bawl; be furious; call names; call someone names; curse; defamate; go off the deep end; grumble; insult; jeer at; rage; rail at; rant; rave; revile; scoff; scoff at; scold; scream; slander; sneer; storm; swear; taunt; thunder; to be furious; yell
martyriser aggrieve; hurt; offend; torment; torture
mécontenter offend; put out; ruffle; upset
navrer aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; offend grieve
nuire à aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; offend aggrieve; attack; be disadvantuous; cause disadvantage; cause injury; cause someone sorrow; damage; detrimental; disadvantageous; do harm; erode; harm; harm somebody; hurt; injure; spoil
offenser aggrieve; hurt; hurt someone's feelings; offend defamate; desecrate; slander; violate
pécher commit a sin; offend; sin break in; commit a sin
tenailler aggrieve; hurt; offend; torment; torture
torturer aggrieve; hurt; offend; torment; torture distort
tourmenter aggrieve; hurt; offend; torment; torture
- appal; appall; breach; break; bruise; go against; hurt; infract; injure; outrage; pique; scandalise; scandalize; shock; spite; transgress; violate; wound
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- trespass

Verwandte Wörter für "offend":

Synonyms for "offend":

Antonyme für "offend":

Verwandte Definitionen für "offend":

  1. cause to feel resentment or indignation1
    • Her tactless remark offended me1
  2. hurt the feelings of1
  3. strike with disgust or revulsion1
  4. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises1
    • offend all laws of humanity1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für offend:

  1. -
  2. to hurt the feelings
Cross Translation:
offend affronter krenken — beledigen
offend injurier; offenser; insulter beledigen — nare opmerkingen maken tegen of over een persoon
offend affronter affronteren — (overgankelijk) (formeel, nld) beledigen, krenken
offend insulter; injurier beleidigen — (umgangssprachlich) jemanden in seiner Ehre oder Würde durch Worte oder Taten verletzen
offend blesser kränken — (transitiv) jemandes Gefühle verletzen
offend blesser verletzen — jemanden psychische Wunden zufügen, kränken
offend enfreindre; violer verletzen — etwas (eine Grenze, ein Gesetz) übertreten, nicht einhalten, nicht beachten

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