Detailübersetzungen für avoir de la peine à (Französisch) ins Englisch
avoir de la peine à: (*Wort und Satz getrennt)
- avoir: own; have; possess; deceive; cheat; swindle; hoodwink; diddle; woodwink; assets; property; balance; possessions; ability; capability; capacity; quality; credit note
- de: ever since; off; from; out; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; of; on the side of
- dé: dice
- la: the
- là: there; over there; that way; at that place; to; on; upon; at; in; up
- peine: strain; pains; distress; grief; misery; pain; complaint; custody; detention; confinement; punishment; imprisonment; difficulty; concern; anxiety; worry; alarm; uneasiness; sorrow; sadness; mournfulness; annoyance; chagrin; vexation
- peiner: bother; worry; fret; brood; mope; slave; drudge; put oneself out; slave away; go out of one's way; work to pieces; work oneself to the bone; work hard; work like the devil; sweat one's guts out
- peiné: awkward; painful; grievous; full of sadness; brooding; worrying; worrisome; fretting; pained
- à peine: barely; hardly; scarcely; just; close; closely; narrowly; flat; dully
- à: for; towards; of; from; to; on; upon; at; in; up; onto; against; on it; on that
- ça: the; it